The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Adam Blade was fascinated by the ancient sword and shield that hung in his father’s office. He grew up surrounded by his father’s paintings of historic English battles – which left a lifelong mark on his imagination. Adam’s father said they were a Blade family heirloom. The Beast Quest and Sea Quest series are most of Blade’s famous writing. Due...
Adam Blade was fascinated by the ancient sword and shield that hung in his father’s office. He grew up surrounded by his father’s paintings of historic English battles – which left a lifelong mark on his imagination. Adam’s father said they were a Blade family heirloom. The Beast Quest and Sea Quest series are most of Blade’s famous writing. Due to the high popularity, there are around 78 books of Beast Quest series that had been published by the middle of 2013.