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In their world of sometimes-dull textbooks and examinations, it is natural for teens to flock to young adult fiction story books such as friendship, romance, mystery, humour, lifestyle and horror which give them a pleasurable reading experience.
Genres of teenagers who are transforming into adults are working through personal problems and learn...
In their world of sometimes-dull textbooks and examinations, it is natural for teens to flock to young adult fiction story books such as friendship, romance, mystery, humour, lifestyle and horror which give them a pleasurable reading experience.
Genres of teenagers who are transforming into adults are working through personal problems and learning to take responsibilities in their lives. Our selections of young adult novels depict real situations that readers are experiencing so they have “therapeutic value”.
Another important note is that teenagers are most influenced by celebrities. Musicians, sports stars and actors they see on television are their most popular role models.
For all books for teens, one important parenting tip is to get your teens to talk about what they are reading. This helps develop their analytical skills while it gives you a glimpse into how they are thinking and feeling.