The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
As kids reach 9, they are experiencing many development changes in their life with uncertain perceptions and imaginations. It is important for parents to guide them to expand and refine their perceptual capacities. One way is to be involved in their reading life. With increased attention spans and logical thinking skills, children aged between 9...
As kids reach 9, they are experiencing many development changes in their life with uncertain perceptions and imaginations. It is important for parents to guide them to expand and refine their perceptual capacities. One way is to be involved in their reading life. With increased attention spans and logical thinking skills, children aged between 9 and 12 years are able to read more complicated books for extended periods of time. Start on simple novels or entertain them with kids' jokes and watch how your child develop their own sense of humour.
Since 9 to 12 year old children are placing a greater value on independence, they may also wish to chose books for themselves. Some children may prefer a tale of adventure, others may prefer educational non-fiction reads. You can still find the best picture books from our collections to fit their interests.