The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
A.H. Benjamin has been a children's writer since the mid-eighties with more than 30 titles to his credit. He has been published by Andersen Press, Oxford University Press, Little Tiger Press, Franklin Watts, Q.E.D and many other big publishing houses. His books are very popular in schools and libraries and have been translated into 22 languages ...
A.H. Benjamin has been a children's writer since the mid-eighties with more than 30 titles to his credit. He has been published by Andersen Press, Oxford University Press, Little Tiger Press, Franklin Watts, Q.E.D and many other big publishing houses. His books are very popular in schools and libraries and have been translated into 22 languages including Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Greek and Arabic. Some of his work has been adapted for radio, television and theatre.