The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Alan MacDonald is the author of a number of books including Triffic Chocolate, the popular Dirty Bertie series. He started his working life in a travelling theatre company, visiting schools all over the country and writing much of their material. Alan later trained as a drama teacher at Nottingham University, but most of his work in connection w...
Alan MacDonald is the author of a number of books including Triffic Chocolate, the popular Dirty Bertie series. He started his working life in a travelling theatre company, visiting schools all over the country and writing much of their material. Alan later trained as a drama teacher at Nottingham University, but most of his work in connection with the theatre has been as a writer or director. The Sign of the Angel, Beware of the Bears and Pig in a Wig were also written by him.