The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Aleksandr Orlov is a businessman, website creator, movie mogul, boss of Sergei and now a successful author. He comes from a long line of courageous meerkats originally from the Kalahari region. He is well known for A Simple Life. Aleksandr Orlov has become one of the most loved figures in British culture and his catchphrase - Simples! - can be h...
Aleksandr Orlov is a businessman, website creator, movie mogul, boss of Sergei and now a successful author. He comes from a long line of courageous meerkats originally from the Kalahari region. He is well known for A Simple Life. Aleksandr Orlov has become one of the most loved figures in British culture and his catchphrase - Simples! - can be heard from the playground to the office.