The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Ali Sparkes is a British children’s author. She is a journalist and BBC broadcaster who regularly exploits her sons, as an in-house focus group for her children’s novels. She was a local newspaper reporter and columnist before joining BBC Radio Solent as a producer and presenter. She grew up adoring adventure stories about kids who mess about in...
Ali Sparkes is a British children’s author. She is a journalist and BBC broadcaster who regularly exploits her sons, as an in-house focus group for her children’s novels. She was a local newspaper reporter and columnist before joining BBC Radio Solent as a producer and presenter. She grew up adoring adventure stories about kids who mess about in the woods and still likes to mess about in the woods herself whenever possible. Ali’s stories capture the imagination of children everywhere, and her novel Frozen in Time won the Blue Peter Book of the Year Award in 2010.