The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Born as Alice Jane Taylor, Alison Uttley, was an English writer of over 100 books. She is particularly known for a children’s series about a Little Grey Rabbit and Sam Pig. She began writing to support herself and her son financially after she was widowed. Her first books were a series of tales about animals, including Little Grey Rabbit, the Li...
Born as Alice Jane Taylor, Alison Uttley, was an English writer of over 100 books. She is particularly known for a children’s series about a Little Grey Rabbit and Sam Pig. She began writing to support herself and her son financially after she was widowed. Her first books were a series of tales about animals, including Little Grey Rabbit, the Little Red Fox, Sam Pig and Hare.