The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
An English writer credited with more than 90 books for children and young adults. Allan Frewin Jones first book, The Mole and Beverly Miller was published in 1987 by Hodder Books. Since then, he has published children's and young adult books and stories in multiple genres, including fantasy, romance, and speculative fiction. Jones is a prolific ...
An English writer credited with more than 90 books for children and young adults. Allan Frewin Jones first book, The Mole and Beverly Miller was published in 1987 by Hodder Books. Since then, he has published children's and young adult books and stories in multiple genres, including fantasy, romance, and speculative fiction. Jones is a prolific author of novel series for young people. He was commissioned to write the first book of The Mystery Club series (published as written by non-existent author Fiona Kelly), after which he was given his own series, including The Hunter and Moon books, Dark Paths, the Little Sister books (As A F Jones), Talisman, Special Agents (under the pen name Sam Hutton), and the six-volume fantasy series The Faerie Path and Warrior Princess (both as Frewin Jones).