The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Althea started by writing and illustrating fiction, mainly animal stories. When her son was born, she realised there was a lack of factual books for young children. However, this was in the early seventies, and much has changed since then.
Some of her books are written to explain new or difficult situations to children. The books were research...
Althea started by writing and illustrating fiction, mainly animal stories. When her son was born, she realised there was a lack of factual books for young children. However, this was in the early seventies, and much has changed since then.
Some of her books are written to explain new or difficult situations to children. The books were researched with children as well as experts, but written from the children's point of view. Books written by Althea include Feeling Sad, Feeling Scared, Desmond the Dinosaur and Telling the Truth.