The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Andrew Langley has been writing books for children for more than twenty-five years. Born in Somerset, he spent four years working for Penguin Books before becoming a full-time writer and journalist. He is the author of Navigators: Rainforests. In a wide-ranging career that has seen him travel the world, his work has featured in national newspape...
Andrew Langley has been writing books for children for more than twenty-five years. Born in Somerset, he spent four years working for Penguin Books before becoming a full-time writer and journalist. He is the author of Navigators: Rainforests. In a wide-ranging career that has seen him travel the world, his work has featured in national newspapers, magazines and on television. With the onset of multiple sclerosis, Andrew now lives a more sedentary lifestyle, creating his new adventures on paper. 'Mirror on the Soul' was his first Nathen Turner novel. The second novel featuring Nathen Turner, 'Dark Nights of the Soul', was released in 2016.