The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Andy Joel Stanton is an English children’s books writer. His notable works are the Mr. Gum books published by Egmont. The nine books in this series include You’re a Bad Man, Mr. Gum!, Mr. Gum and the Biscuit Billionaire, Mr. Gum and the Goblins, Mr. Gum and the Power Crystals, Mr. Gum and the Dancing Bear, What’s for Dinner, Mr. Gum?, Mr. Gum an...
Andy Joel Stanton is an English children’s books writer. His notable works are the Mr. Gum books published by Egmont. The nine books in this series include You’re a Bad Man, Mr. Gum!, Mr. Gum and the Biscuit Billionaire, Mr. Gum and the Goblins, Mr. Gum and the Power Crystals, Mr. Gum and the Dancing Bear, What’s for Dinner, Mr. Gum?, Mr. Gum and the Cherry Tree, Mr. Gum and the Secret Hideout, and Mr. Gum and the Hound of Lamonic Bibber. He has also worked as a film script reader, a cartoonist and an NHS lackey amongst other things. He has many interests, but cartoons, books and music are his favourite.