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There is something about fuzzy, furry, wet-nosed animals that appeals to children. From a very young age, children find animals fascinating and often develop special relationships with them. Try bringing your child to a zoo. As soon as they enter, their eyes widen and they will start throwing you with questions such as “Mommy what is that animal...
There is something about fuzzy, furry, wet-nosed animals that appeals to children. From a very young age, children find animals fascinating and often develop special relationships with them. Try bringing your child to a zoo. As soon as they enter, their eyes widen and they will start throwing you with questions such as “Mommy what is that animal?” ,”Mommy where does that animal come from?”, “Mommy can I take them home?”.
Babies and toddlers are first introduced to the world of animals by recognising their looks. This can be done in a fun way through numbers, letters and words. At the ages 3 to 5, they begin to have more questions in their heads such as names of baby animals, what do they eat, their habitats, how do they survive. Bigger children can begin to understand different classes of vertebrates such as mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. Teenagers will have interest on animals and wildlife reference and non-fiction books which offer children fascinating information about their favourite animals’ conservation, adaptation and behaviour.