The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Anita Ganeri, the award-winning author of the series Horrible Geography, is an Indian author born in Calcutta, India. Anita’s family immigrated to Europe and she currently resides in West Yorkshire, England with her family. Anita Ganeri has published over 100 books. Her books include the Horrible Geography series, which won the Geographical Asso...
Anita Ganeri, the award-winning author of the series Horrible Geography, is an Indian author born in Calcutta, India. Anita’s family immigrated to Europe and she currently resides in West Yorkshire, England with her family. Anita Ganeri has published over 100 books. Her books include the Horrible Geography series, which won the Geographical Association Silver Award.