The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
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Ann Matthews Martin is an American children's fiction writer. She is known best for The Baby-Sitters Club series. The Baby-Sitters Club series is about a group of friends who live in the fictional, suburban town of Stoneybrook and run a local babysitting service.
Ann M. Martin's The Baby-Sitters Club series has over 176 million copies in print ...
Ann Matthews Martin is an American children's fiction writer. She is known best for The Baby-Sitters Club series. The Baby-Sitters Club series is about a group of friends who live in the fictional, suburban town of Stoneybrook and run a local babysitting service.
Ann M. Martin's The Baby-Sitters Club series has over 176 million copies in print worldwide and inspired a generation of young readers. Ann M. Martin finds the ideas for her books from many different sources: some are based on personal experiences while others are based on childhood memories and feelings. Many books cover contemporary problems and struggles. All of her characters, including the members of The Baby-Sitters Club, are fictional, but many of her characters are based on real people.
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