The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Ann Montague-Smith is a professor of early education at University College, Worcester, in the U.K. She was a primary school teacher before becoming an early education specialist in mathematics. Ann Montague-Smith was the series consultant for 100 Maths Lessons and 100 Maths Homework Activities. She has also contributed to the Learning in the Ear...
Ann Montague-Smith is a professor of early education at University College, Worcester, in the U.K. She was a primary school teacher before becoming an early education specialist in mathematics. Ann Montague-Smith was the series consultant for 100 Maths Lessons and 100 Maths Homework Activities. She has also contributed to the Learning in the Early Years series. She is a former Principal Lecturer in Primary Education, leader of a primary maths team and is now a well-established educational author.