The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Anne Cassidy is a British writer best known for her crime fiction for young adults. She began writing in 1989 and published her first book Big Girls' Shoes in 1991. The author of several teen thrillers in the "East End Murders" series as well as other young-adult novels is known for their troubled protagonists and compelling plots. Based on an a...
Anne Cassidy is a British writer best known for her crime fiction for young adults. She began writing in 1989 and published her first book Big Girls' Shoes in 1991. The author of several teen thrillers in the "East End Murders" series as well as other young-adult novels is known for their troubled protagonists and compelling plots. Based on an actual incident that attracted worldwide attention—the murder of a young toddler by two ten-year-old British boys—Looking for JJ introduces another ten-year-old.