The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Anne Rooney has taught at the Universities of Cambridge and York, and has been a Royal Literary Fund Fellow and Lector. She writes books on science, technology, engineering and the history of science for children and adults, and has published around 200 books on a variety of subjects. She previously worked in the computer industry, and wrote and...
Anne Rooney has taught at the Universities of Cambridge and York, and has been a Royal Literary Fund Fellow and Lector. She writes books on science, technology, engineering and the history of science for children and adults, and has published around 200 books on a variety of subjects. She previously worked in the computer industry, and wrote and edited educational materials, often on aspects of science and computer technology. After a period of teaching medieval English and French literature at the universities of Cambridge and York, she left to pursue a career as a freelance writer.