The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Arnold Stark Lobel was an American author of children’s books, including the Frog and Toad series and Mouse Soup. He wrote and illustrated those picture books and Fables. Lobel's writing and illustrations went through several phases in his career. His early works had a broad humour often in verse, a style that he returns to at other points in hi...
Arnold Stark Lobel was an American author of children’s books, including the Frog and Toad series and Mouse Soup. He wrote and illustrated those picture books and Fables. Lobel's writing and illustrations went through several phases in his career. His early works had a broad humour often in verse, a style that he returns to at other points in his career. The book Fables is composed of approximately 20 fables featuring animal protagonists. The book was praised for its ability to combine a cheerful (rather than moralistic tone) with an actual moral at the end of each story.
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