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It is important to begin reading with babies right from the start as it helps children of all ages develop. Selecting the right book for babies and toddlers helps keep their interest and maximise their development. Aim to read to your baby or toddler at least once a day.
Babies are attracted by brightly coloured pictures of simple objects. They...
It is important to begin reading with babies right from the start as it helps children of all ages develop. Selecting the right book for babies and toddlers helps keep their interest and maximise their development. Aim to read to your baby or toddler at least once a day.
Babies are attracted by brightly coloured pictures of simple objects. They like to listen and are attracted to simple text and rhythm. Books without words stimulate babies and develop their imagination. Babies also respond well to high-contrast images and rhyming text.
Toddlers need books as much as babies do. Rather than test your child, choose toddler books that introduce basic themes and invite conversation. Board Books are a good choice as they are as your baby will most likely will chew and throw them. Activity & Novelty Books are also fun and encourage toddlers to explore by touch or lift a flap. Numbers, Letters & Words introduce toddlers to counting and reading letters and simple words.