The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Benedict Blathwayt has written and illustrated fifteen titles for Random House, of which the Little Red Train series and Dinosaur Chase have become extremely popular. Benedict Blathwayt started as a painter working from his own studio at the age of seventeen and held a number of successful exhibitions. Since then, he has worked in the Hebrides a...
Benedict Blathwayt has written and illustrated fifteen titles for Random House, of which the Little Red Train series and Dinosaur Chase have become extremely popular. Benedict Blathwayt started as a painter working from his own studio at the age of seventeen and held a number of successful exhibitions. Since then, he has worked in the Hebrides as a dairyman (which accounts for his wonderful character, Bramble the cow and for the Scottish scenery in Little House by the Sea) and in Wales as a wildlife artist for Nature Conservancy. His most successful and best known books tell of the adventures of the Little Red Train. There are now five picture story books as well as board books about the train which, driven by Duffy Driver, has a great many fans amongst young readers. Children love the narrative detail in his pictures.