The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Hilary Mary Allcroft, or best known as Britt Allcroft is an English film, television and live theatre producer, writer, director and voice actress. She is the creator of the children’s television series Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends, later re-titled Thomas & Friends. The series’ success in the UK, and the merchandising campaign that Allcroft ...
Hilary Mary Allcroft, or best known as Britt Allcroft is an English film, television and live theatre producer, writer, director and voice actress. She is the creator of the children’s television series Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends, later re-titled Thomas & Friends. The series’ success in the UK, and the merchandising campaign that Allcroft had been organising since 1983, soon led to further success in other parts of the world.