The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Camilla de la Bédoyère has written more than 200 non-fiction books, specializing in the natural world. Most of Camilla's books are written for children and young adults, but she has also covered diverse topics for adults, such as Art Deco and a biography of the famous primatologist Dian Fossey. Camilla is the Children's Editor for the Sunday Exp...
Camilla de la Bédoyère has written more than 200 non-fiction books, specializing in the natural world. Most of Camilla's books are written for children and young adults, but she has also covered diverse topics for adults, such as Art Deco and a biography of the famous primatologist Dian Fossey. Camilla is the Children's Editor for the Sunday Express, a national UK newspaper.