The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Cathy Cassidy first picture book was written for her little brother when she was eight. She has written 30 books and several e-books. She has also been the agony aunt for Shout, a magazine for teenage girls. Currently, she has a series of four books about Daizy Star for younger readers and a series of books for older readers called the Chocolate...
Cathy Cassidy first picture book was written for her little brother when she was eight. She has written 30 books and several e-books. She has also been the agony aunt for Shout, a magazine for teenage girls. Currently, she has a series of four books about Daizy Star for younger readers and a series of books for older readers called the Chocolate Box Girls. The Daizy Star series mainly focuses on young adults.