The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Cathy Hopkins is an English author with over 60 published titles. In collaboration with cartoonist Gray Joliffe on a series of humour books, Hopkins started writing books in 1987. Titles written by her include the Mates, Dates series, the Truth, Dare, Kiss or Promise series, the Cinnamon Girl series and the Zodiac Girls and the Million Dollar Ma...
Cathy Hopkins is an English author with over 60 published titles. In collaboration with cartoonist Gray Joliffe on a series of humour books, Hopkins started writing books in 1987. Titles written by her include the Mates, Dates series, the Truth, Dare, Kiss or Promise series, the Cinnamon Girl series and the Zodiac Girls and the Million Dollar Mates series. Her books mostly target teenagers.