The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Christopher Awdry is an English author known for his contributions to The Railway Series of books featuring Thomas the Tank Engine. Thomas the Tank Engine was first started by his father, Rev W. Awdry. He has also produced children’s books based on a number of other railways as well as non-fiction articles and books on heritage railways. When hi...
Christopher Awdry is an English author known for his contributions to The Railway Series of books featuring Thomas the Tank Engine. Thomas the Tank Engine was first started by his father, Rev W. Awdry. He has also produced children’s books based on a number of other railways as well as non-fiction articles and books on heritage railways. When his father retired in 1972, he wrote several Thomas books himself. The series came to be called Thomas & Friends after that. The new interest from the publishers has gone beyond merely re-releasing the existing books. Christopher Awdry has written a new book for the series, titled Thomas and Victoria, which focuses on stories relating to the railway preservation movement.