The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Clive Gifford is a highly experienced journalist and author with over 180 books published and more than 800 features and stories written for adults and children. Books include the astonishing Dead or Alive, the creepy Book of Bad Things and the brain-mangling Think Again and Eye Benders.
Clive Gifford has written over 80 non-fiction books inclu...
Clive Gifford is a highly experienced journalist and author with over 180 books published and more than 800 features and stories written for adults and children. Books include the astonishing Dead or Alive, the creepy Book of Bad Things and the brain-mangling Think Again and Eye Benders.
Clive Gifford has written over 80 non-fiction books including Robots, Spies, The Kingfisher Geography Encyclopedia, and The Kingfisher Book of Living Worlds. His books Cool Technology and Think Again! both won the School Library Association's Information Book Award. A contributor to Encyclopedia Britannica, Clive has travelled through more than 50 countries, interviewed famous scientists and sportspeople, ridden on the back of large robots and parachuted from an aircraft into a cabbage field by mistake.