The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Ronald Gordon King-Smith was a prolific English writer of children's books, primarily using the pen name Dick King-Smith. His most famous book, The Sheep Pig, was turned into the film Babe. Once he started writing books for children, Dick found it hard to stop. Dick King-Smith has written over one hundred children’s books and at one point he was...
Ronald Gordon King-Smith was a prolific English writer of children's books, primarily using the pen name Dick King-Smith. His most famous book, The Sheep Pig, was turned into the film Babe. Once he started writing books for children, Dick found it hard to stop. Dick King-Smith has written over one hundred children’s books and at one point he was writing about eight every year. He wrote all of his first drafts in pen before typing them up on an old typewriter.