Horribly Famous: Pirates and Their Caribbean Capers



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You've probably heard of a few pirates...Horrible Henry Morgan and his flaming fire ships; Awful Anne Bonny and her flaming temper; and Barmy Blackbeard and his - er - flaming black beard. But have you heard that: Henry Morgan ate his own shoes? Anne Bonny scared strong men shirtless? Blackbeard guzzled his rum with a dash of dynamite? Now you can get the inside story from pirates' long-lost log-books, read the terrible truth about real pirate life and find out all about the biggest, baddest buccaneers who ever sailed the bounding main

Book info
Author Michael Cox
Publisher Scholastic
Year of publication 2007
Number of pages 192
Language English
Format Paperback
ISBN-10 439943817
ISBN-13 9780439943819
Illustrator Clive Goddard

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Horribly Famous: Pirates and Their Caribbean Capers

Horribly Famous: Pirates and Their Caribbean Capers

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