The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Ian Whybrow has been a productive writer of children's books since his debut in 1989. His books are known for their humour and child-friendliness. They range from picture books to novels, short stories and poetry.
Subsequently, Ian Whybrow was able to give up teaching to write full-time. His series of books about Harry and His Bucket Full of Di...
Ian Whybrow has been a productive writer of children's books since his debut in 1989. His books are known for their humour and child-friendliness. They range from picture books to novels, short stories and poetry.
Subsequently, Ian Whybrow was able to give up teaching to write full-time. His series of books about Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs, illustrated by Adrian Reynolds, has become huge and well-known. Other popular characters that have featured in his series of books include Little Wolf, Miss Wire and Sissy Buttons. However, Harry who has spawned the most books by far. Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs series has been adapted into a 104-episode animated television series with a slightly different name.