The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Jeanna Willis is an author of several children’s books including The Monster Bed, the Dr. Xargle’s Book of… series and Shamanka. Her first picture book was published by Andersen Press when she was 21. Since then, she has won the Silver Medal Smarties Prize (Tadpole's Promise), the Nasen Special Needs Award (Susan Laughs), the Sheffield Children'...
Jeanna Willis is an author of several children’s books including The Monster Bed, the Dr. Xargle’s Book of… series and Shamanka. Her first picture book was published by Andersen Press when she was 21. Since then, she has won the Silver Medal Smarties Prize (Tadpole's Promise), the Nasen Special Needs Award (Susan Laughs), the Sheffield Children's Book Award (Who's in The Loo) and the Red House Children's Book Award (Bottoms Up).
Jeanne Willis has also worked on scripts for TV, including Polly Pocket and The Slow Norris, and a pilot TV series for Dr Xargle.