The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
The Kumon Recommended Reading List is a list of 380 books intended to help students find books that they will enjoy reading. The reading list also aims to encourage Kumon students to read books from a wide range of genres and styles. The books are divided into twelve sections, broadly corresponding to the levels of the Kumon English Programme. T...
The Kumon Recommended Reading List is a list of 380 books intended to help students find books that they will enjoy reading. The reading list also aims to encourage Kumon students to read books from a wide range of genres and styles. The books are divided into twelve sections, broadly corresponding to the levels of the Kumon English Programme. The Kumon Recommended Reading List is designed so that each student can start reading books at a comfortable level and progress, step by step, to those that are more difficult.