The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Michael Morpurgo is one of Britain's best-loved writers for children. He has sold more than 35 million books around the world. Morpurgo is noted for his magical storytelling, for recurring themes such as the triumph of an outsider, survival and characters' relationships with nature. He is also known for vivid settings such as the Cornish coast o...
Michael Morpurgo is one of Britain's best-loved writers for children. He has sold more than 35 million books around the world. Morpurgo is noted for his magical storytelling, for recurring themes such as the triumph of an outsider, survival and characters' relationships with nature. He is also known for vivid settings such as the Cornish coast or World War I.
Michael Morpurgo’s most popular books include:
He was knighted in 2018 for services to literature and charity.