The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Reading fiction is a great way to develop your social brain. How does this happen? It seems that reading fiction allows you to “live in other people’s brains”. It develops imagination without the guidance of fancy illustrations.
Picture books can be magical for readers of all ages, even adults. However, the experience of making it through hund...
Reading fiction is a great way to develop your social brain. How does this happen? It seems that reading fiction allows you to “live in other people’s brains”. It develops imagination without the guidance of fancy illustrations.
Picture books can be magical for readers of all ages, even adults. However, the experience of making it through hundred-plus-page books can be deeply rewarding.
Various novels including horror, romance, mystery and humour will surely entertain you.