The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
One of the ways to help your babies and toddlers to talk, read and count is to get them to know the ABCs and 123s. There is no age that is too young to start teaching your child how to communicate. Start pointing things out and naming them so they begin to grasp meanings of various words. It is a good idea to use picture books for this. Our seri...
One of the ways to help your babies and toddlers to talk, read and count is to get them to know the ABCs and 123s. There is no age that is too young to start teaching your child how to communicate. Start pointing things out and naming them so they begin to grasp meanings of various words. It is a good idea to use picture books for this. Our series of Numbers, Letters & Words Books are equipped with bold bright colours and attractive pictures. This category of books is perfect for young explorers to know about colours, shapes and things they can relate to their daily lives including animals, objects they see at home, favourite food and family.