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Do you remember listening to your mother or teacher singing nursery rhymes to you when you were little? How many of you who learned nursery rhymes in childhood knew what you were singing about? The importance of nursery rhymes is not about its meaning but it’s about sound and rhythm.
Developing literacy skills begin with recognising sounds, lis...
Do you remember listening to your mother or teacher singing nursery rhymes to you when you were little? How many of you who learned nursery rhymes in childhood knew what you were singing about? The importance of nursery rhymes is not about its meaning but it’s about sound and rhythm.
Developing literacy skills begin with recognising sounds, listening to phonics and rhyming patterns. As they grow to readers, they begin to do short chants and poems for fun, extended practice of important phonics skills.
Babies and toddlers and younger children love the craziness of rhyme for its sound and creative imaginations. Teenagers and young adults also appreciate poetry as they gain command of language, cultivate a robust vocabulary and learn to work their minds in imagery.