The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Roderick James Hunt is a British children’s author. He is famous for the series of the Magic Key, which was first written as a part of the Oxford Reading Tree in 1985 illustrated by Alex Brychta. The Magic Key books are used by over 80% of British primary schools to help children learn to read as well as schools in more than 120 other countries....
Roderick James Hunt is a British children’s author. He is famous for the series of the Magic Key, which was first written as a part of the Oxford Reading Tree in 1985 illustrated by Alex Brychta. The Magic Key books are used by over 80% of British primary schools to help children learn to read as well as schools in more than 120 other countries. In addition to The Magic Key, Roderick Hunt is also the author of the Read at Home and Wolf Hill series of stories, as well as many others.