The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Steve Parker is a British science writer of children's and adult's books. He worked as an exhibition scientist at the Natural History Museum and as editor and managing editor at Dorling Kindersley Publishers. He also held the position of commissioning editor at medical periodical GP, before becoming a freelance writer in the late 1980s.
Steve P...
Steve Parker is a British science writer of children's and adult's books. He worked as an exhibition scientist at the Natural History Museum and as editor and managing editor at Dorling Kindersley Publishers. He also held the position of commissioning editor at medical periodical GP, before becoming a freelance writer in the late 1980s.
Steve Parker's writing career began with 10 early titles in Dorling Kindersley's multi-award-winning Eyewitness series. He co-wrote The Complete Guide to Minerals, Rocks and Fossils of the World in 2009.