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Tony Mitton has written many wonderful books for children including Dinosaurumpus!, Down by the Cool of the Pool, Spooky Hour, Farmer Joe and the Music Show, and All Afloat on Noah’s Boat.
He divides his time between teaching and writing children's books. It was not until he was 40 that he began writing for children in earnest and it was in his...
Tony Mitton has written many wonderful books for children including Dinosaurumpus!, Down by the Cool of the Pool, Spooky Hour, Farmer Joe and the Music Show, and All Afloat on Noah’s Boat.
He divides his time between teaching and writing children's books. It was not until he was 40 that he began writing for children in earnest and it was in his late forties that Mitton gave up teaching altogether to concentrate full time on his writing.