The Secret Garden (The Children's Golden...
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer (The Children's...
Treasure Island (The Children's Golden Library...
Vivian June Isoult French is a British writer of picture book texts, novels, plays, and non-fiction for children and young adults. She developed an attachment to words at school and later became an actor, then a storyteller. Vivian French finally became a writer of children's books. She has written The Tiara Club series of chapter books illustra...
Vivian June Isoult French is a British writer of picture book texts, novels, plays, and non-fiction for children and young adults. She developed an attachment to words at school and later became an actor, then a storyteller. Vivian French finally became a writer of children's books. She has written The Tiara Club series of chapter books illustrated by Sarah Gibb which have sold more than three million copies. As well as writing storybooks for young children, Vivian French has written plays and poetry. She is the author of more than two hundred books.